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Friday, December 05, 2008

RIP, Uncle Forry

Forrest J. Ackerman has passed away at the age of 92. A legend in the horror and sci-fi community (in fact, Ackerman is credited for creating the term "sci-fi"), Forrest was loved by his fans, and opened his home to them weekly for years, showing off some of his varied items from a fascinating cabinet of curiosities (most of which, however, were famously and unfortunately sold off a few years back due to Ackerman's financial situation.)

DoomBuggies owes a special debt of gratitude to Forrest, as he personally awarded its first award almost 10 years ago - the "4E's Faves" award. I was informed by a friend and assistant of Forry's that he had, in fact, admired, which is one of my greatest claims to fame.

I remember seeing Uncle Forry walking through the HauntX convention hall a couple years back when I was hawking my book and giving a presentation on the Mansion. It was my only time in his presence, and I regret not finding the time to take one of the storied morning fan tours he offered of his home. I had been contacted to create an official website for Forrest a while back, and had been working on it on- and off-again over the past few months. Perhaps I'll be able to finish it as a tribute to Forrest, the "Ackermonster" of Hollyweird.

RIP, Uncle Forry.


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