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Friday, February 10, 2006 Live: A Haunted Mansion Seminar at HauntX!

I will be representing as a guest at the HauntX Exposition, held Feb. 16-20 at the Los Angeles LAX Hilton.

Besides visitng my booth, you can attend my special seminar on the Haunted Mansion on SATURDAY Feb. 18, 2:30PM – in the CARMEL ROOM:

Greetings foolish mortals, and welcome to a delightfully chilling seminar where we’ll discuss everything you never knew you didn’t know about Disney’s famed Haunted Mansion attractions

While I know you'll all be "dying" to support DB.C, other celebrity guests for the weekend include Tom Savini, Ben Chapman and Julie Adams (from Creature of the Black Lagoon), Juliet Landau (Buffy/Angel), Bill Mosely (Devil's Rejects), Kane Hodder (Jason), Carel Struycken (the Adaams Family), Sara Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Jr., Ron Chaney, and a slew of other infamous guests.

The spacious show floor will host over 100 exhibitors, with everything from professional Haunt supplies to Halloween props and home-haunters neccessities. I will be releasing and signing a new book at the event, as well as selling glow-in-the-dark logowear and greeting fans of

Additionally, DB.C has been named as a winner of an award at the event, and they won't even tell me what it's for! You can find out along with me.

It'll be a great event, and I'd love to meet some of you. For more information or to register, visit


-The Chef