Fan Mail!
Here at DoomBuggies central, we occasionally receive a fan letter here and there, typically from a Boomer excited to be reliving a memory from childhood. But as I was filing some ephemera away today, I rediscovered a letter I received a couple years ago - by far my favorite fan letter ever:

My kind of kid. Click it to see the gory details. I'm not sure if my favorite here is the executioner with the bloody axe, or the skeleton hanging from a noose. The "curtain" that Gabriel is thanking me for is a small snip of cloth that I used to give away in DoomBuggies fan club kits that came from the foyer set of the Haunted Mansion movie. (There are still some pieces left, so if you hurry, you can still receive one as a bonus when you join the DoomBuggies Fan Club.) His mom wrote me asking if I had anything I could send to her little Haunted Mansion fan, if I recall. Makes me remember the days when I used to trace the pictures in my own Haunted Mansion record album way back in the mid-'70s. As I said, a kid after my own heart.

My kind of kid. Click it to see the gory details. I'm not sure if my favorite here is the executioner with the bloody axe, or the skeleton hanging from a noose. The "curtain" that Gabriel is thanking me for is a small snip of cloth that I used to give away in DoomBuggies fan club kits that came from the foyer set of the Haunted Mansion movie. (There are still some pieces left, so if you hurry, you can still receive one as a bonus when you join the DoomBuggies Fan Club.) His mom wrote me asking if I had anything I could send to her little Haunted Mansion fan, if I recall. Makes me remember the days when I used to trace the pictures in my own Haunted Mansion record album way back in the mid-'70s. As I said, a kid after my own heart.